GRATICCIAIA Red Wine Negroamaro I.G.P. Salento

Conceived from an intuition that brings to light an ancient technique that links past traditions to future visions. The drying experiment of the Negroamaro grapes coming from the ‘Caragnuli’ Cru, an 80-year-old Apulian sapling vineyard located in San Pancrazio Salentino, began in 1980, thanks to the insistence of the oenologist Severino Garofano who had always believed in versatility and nobility of this vine.

In 1986, after 6 years of attempts, the first vintage of ‘Graticciaia’ saw the light. The rest is a success story that gives the dignity that belongs to Negroamaro. After a careful selection of the grapes, we proceed with a light drying, followed by a 12-month refinement in French oak barriques, the last mile is covered in concrete until bottling.


Classification: I.G.P.
Variety: 100% Negroamaro
Area of production: aragnuli Vineyard (historical vineyard), Tenuta Iore – San Pancrazio, Area DOC Salice Salentino

Characteristics of the vineyard

Esposizione: North – South
Superficie vitata: 10 hectares (70- and 80-year-old vines)
Type of soil:: limestone-clay

Aging process in wood

Measurements: Pieces

Origin of the wood: Allier – Never (oak)

Waiting time: approximately: 1 year

Manufacturing technology

Careful selection of the bunches of negroamaro grapes from the old vines and raised as a sapling. The grapes first ripen and then are left to dry on racks. The name of the wine “Graticciaia” is derived from the fruit chamber where the grapes are places on light wicker racks made with braided reeds. When the drying is completed, the grapes go into the winemaking process.

The physiological processes that occur in the grape – and the fermentation of the grape must – have to take place in late autumn, when the outside temperature is lower, thus leading to an evolution that is completely different from that of the traditional winemaking process. The temperature of the grape must be rigorously regulated throughout the slow

Organoleptic characteristics

It is a wine with a great personality which does not decrease over the years. The aging in bottle contributes to improve it over time and ensure that its qualities last a long time. Showing beautiful dark ruby red tones, with brilliant garnet nuances. The perfume itself is complex and honest. Attractive, ethereal, with hints of dried fruit and licorice, pleasantly spicy.

Well-structured, warm elegant with a touch of tobacco and notes of dried fruit and vanilla. When tasting one notices a very pleasant evolution of flavors that are expressed with elegance and balance.